, is it me? I feel like it must be. I have no other explanation for why I always seem to manage to stand directly behind or next to the most obnoxious person in the crowd every single time I go to a live show.
Case in point: I went to see Art Brut and The Hold Steady at the Marquee Theater last night. It was a fairly full room, but it wasn't close to sold out. My friend and I pushed up toward the front after Art Brut to get close for The Hold Steady. I stood behind what seemed like a perfectly nice, normal young man and waited for the show to start. Cue the music--and cue this dude turning into the most ridiculous Hold Steady superfan you've ever seen. He jumped up and down like a rabid bunny to every song, even the slow ones, shouted every word to every song to the point where it was difficult to hear the lead singer, and- sweated up such a storm--onto me--that by the end of the show, I looked like I had been caught in a torrential downpour.
And this is not the first time this has happened. Nay, I seem to be have some sort of strange magnetic pull over Mr. and Ms. Overzealous Show Goer, to the point where they sense I will be some sort of safe haven for their crazy rocking out. And in some ways, I guess I am.
Yes, it sort of bugs me when I realize that I am yet again standing next to Joe I-Know-Every-Lyric-To-Every-Song-This-Band-Has-Ever-Written-And-I-
YEEEEEEEEAHHHHHH!!! But then again, I never move to another part of the room. Why? Because even this is part of the reason I love live music. You don't get Joe's energy and--how shall I put this delicately?--obvious enthusiasm for the band when you sit at home listening to a CD. Warts and all, there's something truly exhilarating about seeing a band you love--or even a band you're not that familiar with--playing for a room full of people who are there because they just want to hear something that resonates with them. It's one of life's pure pleasures.
So hey there, Joe, you belt those lyrics out, hold up your lighter and shake your sweaty head, drenching everyone within a 5-foot-radius with your perspiration. Because you, my friend, are part of what makes live music fun. And if I ever get sick of smelling like your bodily fluids, I'll bring a poncho and keep my mouth shut.
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